Meet the Team
I enjoy spending time with the cats, especially as they get to know me and accept the attention, pets, and cuddles.
I find working with the other volunteers to be rewarding and their perceptions and ideas for helping the strays and ferals. Staying busy with the cats keeps me out of trouble.
I've been volunteering for 8 years with feeding and trapping. I love kitties, especially Siamese!
What got me started was I was walking along a trail one afternoon and a little black and white kitty started following me. I went and purchased food and have been at it ever since.
I've met several other people along the way who were doing the same thing so we decided to form a charity.
I contacted Tri-Cities TNR about 3 years ago, and requested help with trapping a momma and her 3 kittens. I found out through one of the members that they were currently very short handed and since I had some extra time on my hands I decided to volunteer to help them out in whatever capacity they required.
Volunteering with Tri-Cities TNR has been an extremely rewarding choice that I made. We've been able to assist many with helping to get kitties spayed/neutered to help control the overpopulation of abandoned or feral cats/kittens within the Tri-Cities area.
My favorite part about being a part of the TNR team is being able to earn the trust over time of the colony kitties that I consistently feed! It’s everything to see the kitties that you've won over waiting along the feeding path to lead you to their feeding stations and most of the time I'm rewarded with lots of enthusiastic rubbing around my legs, pets, and brushings.
When I was young I grew up with dogs but I wanted a cat. My Mom was scared of cats though, old school folk tales kind of scared her.
So, the first thing I did when I moved out was get a cat; a big, floofy, black cat who had been declawed, returned to the shelter 3 times, and had been there more than a year, I knew I had to have him. His name was Gizmo. I never saw him for months. He would hide and sneak out. Eventually, he would come out, hiss at me, and then go back to hiding. It probably took a year for him to become somewhat friendly. But a few years later we were at the point where he would sleep on me, he was always by my side. When I visited home I would take him with me where he seemed to know my Mom was scared of cats. He would stalk her, sit in the doorway, and stare at her. He was the best cat. Since then I've done my best to take in cats that may otherwise have a hard time finding homes.
I love the angry, spicy ferals, you can't touch, but they hang out for the food. Sometimes they come to tolerate pets, but sometimes they remain wild, and that's OK too.
Coming Soon!