Tri-Cities TNR is a Trap, Neuter, Return (TNR) program in the greater Tri-Cities area of Washington State that allows free-roaming cats to live out their lives without adding to the homeless cat population.
We identify unowned cats and trap them for spay/neuter with a vet that evaluates their health and gives vaccinations, cats are ear-tipped while anesthetized making it easier to identify they've altered.
We try to place any friendly cats with local foster programs so they can be adopted and placed in homes. The others return to their familiar environment after surgery where caretakers monitor and feed their health.
What is ear-tipping? It is a universal sign of an altered community cat. One centimeter (1 cm) is removed from the tip of the left ear in a straight line cut. Eartips are readily visible from a distance, making it easy for caretakers, trappers and animal control personnel to immediately identify a cat as spayed or neutered.